What is faith?

How are you saved? 

How do you know God is real?

How do you believe the Bible is actually true and not just a cluster of stories?

The answer to all of these is FAITH. What is faith you ask? Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Faith is the determining factor to your belief in God. You cannot obtain salvation unless you have faith which is in Ephesians 2:8-9. You cannot please God without faith which is Hebrews 11:6. 

Do you know if you have faith? 

Yes, everyone does. Notice that Hebrews 11:1 does not say faith is only about God or salvation or the Bible. But it just gives the general word "things." So yes, the unbeliever has faith but that faith is not in God. It may just be for things they want or need. In Romans 12:3 God gave everyone "the measure of faith," meaning you are born with just as much faith as everyone else is born with. Let's say you are born with 2% faith. Everyone is born with the same 2%. But throughout life, it is up to you to grow you faith. 

How do you build your faith? 

Romans 10:17 says, "Faith comes by HEARING, and hearing by the word of God." Notice that the Bible says "hearing," which is present tense. We should never stop hearing the word. Which is why the Bible also, says to "meditate on it day and night." But lets not just stop there. Yes, we read the word of God to then be able to speak and hear the word. Right. But should not only hear, we should understand and apply as well. Just reading the word of God will not build your faith. Understanding needs to be involved. When you understand the word, you will them notice that application is vital to having the word of God work in your life the way you want it to. 

Are you believing God for something you need or desire? 

I am sure that you probably are. Maybe it is healing, patience, more love. Or a car, house, new job, more income. This is important for you to know: Everything you ask God, God has already provided for you. Over 2000 years ago, God gave you everything you needed and wanted before you asked for it. Sounds crazy right? I know. Remember, your ENTIRE life was planned before your ancestors were born. Before Jesus came to this earth your life was planned. God knew that you would ask Him for that car way before you even thought about asking. He also, gave you the car before you asked for it. But it is your faith that brings the manifestation. 

What is manifestation? 

It is the action or fact of showing an abstract idea. God has already provided the car before you asked, you then came to a point where you began believing God for the car, manifestation is the car showing up from the building of your faith. The same is with healing. EVERY illness, whether it be mental, physical, emotional, all of them have been healed over 2000 years ago. It is the measure of your faith today that will bring manifestation of the healing. 

Your faith can bring you anything and everything you desire that is in the will of God. You cannot have faith for evil things. God will not provide those, He does not sin. If your faith stays at 2% it will be very difficult to believe God for much of anything, it needs to grow to perform for you. This is part one of Faith because there is so much more to learn about faith I am always learning more and more myself. One key is to stay diligent in the word. Understand and apply it. 


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