Truth vs. Facts/Feelings

Lets Get Started With Feelings. 

Feelings are inevitable. Yet, variable to what is going on around you. They are a reaction or to be politically correct, they are an emotional state. Just like a thought, a feeling can be accepted or discarded. One thing about feelings that I see constantly is that Satan enjoys playing with them and using them for his personal agenda which is to steal, kill, and destroy. I guess the point is now for one to look at their life and to decipher what was done based off of a feeling or truth. 
-Pause Here. 

Now lets talk about Facts. 

Facts are supposedly things that are indisputably the case. We look around in our everyday lives facts are all around us. You see a tumor protruding against the skin, go to the doctor they say that it is cancer. Thats a fact. You have been down and sad lately, go to a specialist and they find a chemical imbalance in your brain for depression. Thats a fact. While at the same specialist they saw traces of anxiety. Also, due to several situations of the change of moods of elation or depression you were diagnosed with bipolar disorder. These would be considered Facts. You have evidence to back them up. In many of our lives, we tend to allow our feelings to create facts and thus become our reality or our "truth." But one thing that is consistent in those facts just mentioned above and many other facts that I did not get out is that all of these are things deal with the fleshly man. 
-Pause Here Again.

Now lets combine these first two with "truth."

In this conversation truth is what the Bible says. I could moot the question of does the word of God trump any and everything. The vast majority, saved and some unsaved will say yes. However, many of that same majority do not live that "yes" out. Lets see how. There are probably over a billion sicknesses and diseases in the world. That is a fact. Remembering that the truth is the word of God, my question would be "What is the truth about the subject of illnesses and diseases?" Some would quote Isaiah 53:5, others will say you just have whatever you have. Some would say both. Some would say other things. 

The real question again is does the word trump any and everything??? 

We quote scripture and believe God for a cough or sneezing (sometimes not even these) but let some (my homie Nikki for instance) say God can cure HIV/AIDS/Cancer those things that have given people fear, then we start to doubt the Father and His word but claim the Father and His word. Laughable. Let us work hard for years, and not see a million dollars at one time then we start thinking that scriptures about prosperity and riches isnt for everyone. Which is true IT IS NOT FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE....I digress.

Well that is basically facts vs. truth. Now lets see how your feelings add up with truth. I know some may read this and can remember a time where they did not "feel God" on a given day. Maybe due to falling into sin or whatever the case was at the moment. Alright, I can recall a couple scriptures like Hebrews 13:5, Matthew 28:20, Deuteronomy 31:6-8, etc etc. But thats only if the TRUTH trumps your FEELINGS. 
Some of us know the scripture saying "all good and perfect gifts come from above" James 1:17. Is sin a perfect gift? God no. Are blessing a perfect gift? God yes. So say you are in the bed of fornication, but you feel love. But is it love? NO IT IS NOT. Sin is not a gift. Love is a gift from the Father that cannot be had through sinning. 
You listen to this rap song that says "God blessing all the trap n*****" we not gone get into music that much but listening to that has desensitized you into believing that shooting, robbing/stealing, etc etc and the outcome of the action is a blessing. Laughable. Our reasoning behind most of it is that we felt it was, so it was......Thats definitely not Bible. You can feel these biblical principles in your sin but that doesnt change your sin. You can feel sinful in righteousness but that does not change your movement in Christ, UNLESS YOU ALLOW IT TO. 

Much much more to expound upon but being that this post is longer than I usually like it to be I will have to stop here and save the rest for a later date. 



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