What Is Salvation?

Just like many other things, Satan has taken what is supposed to be true salvation and made it into a quick saying; with no real belief and consequently no real change happening in many lives. There are many people who are just quoting Romans 10:9-10 and not understanding that if one truly believes in their heart then a change WILL happen. 
Let's start with Matthew 4:17,  when Jesus is talking about repenting. If you use the AMP (my favorite version) it breaks down what true repentance is saying "change your inner self--your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life." Like stated previously, Satan has now used the concept of repentance to get people thinking they have done something when they have only spoken words that did not take root. In salvation, one cannot continue to have the same thinking they had before. One should not have the same outlook as they had before. Because true repentance will not allow you to be the same as you were in sin. 
This definition of repentance also breaks one of the worldly saying I hear pretty often, "I do not regret what I came from, it got me where I am today." This statement sounds so humble right? But what it sounds like and what it is are two different things. Jesus wants you to regret those sins, for your sins did not get you where you are today but God did. God has nothing to do with sin. After much people watching and speculation I have come to find with the use of the Holy Spirit that a nice number of those who use that statement may still be failing in those same sins that they do not regret because we are supposed to. 
Back on the subject of salvation. Romans 10:9-10 is realy the "go-to" when one is seeking salvation. Ask for forgiveness. Confess your sins. Believe that Christ died and rose again for you. Three simple steps. Yet, there are many who are just using this as like a famous quote instead of a life-changing statement. One can confess, one can ask for forgiveness but if one on says they believe and doesnt truly believe, then one is not truly saved. That one missed step is the reason why a lot of people think that salvation does not really work. Salvation is a COMPLETE product. You cannot half do salvation or repentance. That would mean that it is not salvation or repentance. You cannot lose salvation. Either you have it or you did not have it. It does not just go away. Which is why the Bible states that the Father is married to the backslider but thats a different subject for a different day. 
As a seasoned believer, every time I am able to do Romans 10:9-10, whether it is with someone or by myself, I do it. It does not hurt to continue saying and believing this scripture because it actually helps in times of falling into sin and Satan trying to convince you that you are not saved. It will definitely help. If you are taking the time to read this saved or usaved I admonish you to take time RIGHT NOW to believe that scripture and have that change happen in your life. If you are a backslider, now is the time to comeback home. The love of God for you never changed and never will. 
With this new found salvation and right-standing with the father remember that Matthew 4:17 says that you need to "seek God's purpose for your life." This is now the time to find the things in your life that are not like the Father and to remove them or their influence from you by getting in the word and falling in love with the one who "so loves" you. For the sake of having an extra long post I wont get into the faith part of salvation. That will be for another blog post this week. 

Be blessed!!


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